Vol. 34 No.3
Sep. 30 2018

Heparin 應用於全靜脈營養之文獻探討

新光吳火獅紀念醫院藥劑部藥師 何金蓮、黃美智


早產兒常是極低出生體重 (very low birth weight, VLBW) 的新生兒 (出生體重小於1500克),由於大多數極低出生體重新生兒 (VLBW) 剛開始不能從腸道吸收足夠的營養,需要依賴出生後給予腸外營養 (parenteral nutrition, PN),以維持正常生命機能和成長。早產兒的腸外營養需求包含日常能量消耗和成長所需的熱量,包括碳水化合物和脂肪以提供成長所需熱量、足夠的蛋白質 (例如必需氨基酸) 和其他必須營養元素,如礦物質等。

腸外營養 (parenteral nutrition, PN) 可經由週邊或中央靜脈輸注,大部分由中央靜脈給予全靜脈營養 (total parenteral nutrition, TPN),但特別注意的是,常因中央靜脈導管而造成相關血栓 (thrombosis) 形成和感染風險,是相當嚴重的併發症。

目前 Heparin 對使用在預防血栓 (thrombosis) 和中央靜脈導管輸注而造成感染風險的影響上,仍未有大型研究提供足夠證據證實其有效性。臨床上,除了針對血栓 (thrombosis) 形成之後續治療方法外,需要更多更進一步研究評估 Heparin 對於應用於預防血栓 (thrombosis) 和感染的有效性。

關鍵字: 全靜脈營養、TPN、Heparin、血栓、thrombosis、感染


美國小兒科醫學會 (American Academy of Pediatrics, AAP) 營養委員會 (Committee of Nutrition) 指出1:早產兒出生後的成長,應該維持如胎兒在子宮內成長的速度。早產兒出生後一開始攝取的營養將影響未來身體成長、智力發展、心血管及代謝運作。當早產兒若無法哺乳或經腸胃進食與消化來吸收營養,可經由全靜脈營養 (total parenteral nutrition, TPN) 維持新生兒的身體運作及成長。新生兒全靜脈營養 (total parenteral nutrition, TPN) 需長時間插中央靜脈導管,除了有管路栓塞的問題外,可能造成血栓 (thrombosis),且因侵入型的裝置容易感染,嚴重可能會發生敗血症 (sepsis)。

目前臨床上,在新生兒全靜脈營養 (total parenteral nutrition, TPN) 內加入低劑量的 Heparin (0.5 IU/mL),預防管路栓塞或血栓,減少發生敗血症的風險,雖尚未有任何大型研究,可以確切證實在新生兒的全靜脈營養 (total parenteral nutrition, TPN) 內添加 Heparin 可以有效減少這些風險,但若新生兒對添加低劑量的 Heparin (0.5 IU/mL) 無任何不良反應,臨床上都會建議添加。

本篇文章針對相關議題,探討導管相關靜脈血栓 (Thrombosis of central venous catheters) 的發生原因,並根據 Heparin 目前指標性文獻與各國臨床治療指南進行文獻探討。

貳、 導管相關靜脈血栓 (Central venous catheters-associated thrombosis) 的發生

中央靜脈導管 (Central venous catheters) 通常通過臍靜脈或頸靜脈置入導管,插入手臂、腿或頭皮的周邊靜脈放置中央導管 (Peripherally inserted central catheters, PICCs)。中央靜脈導管 (Central venous catheters) 廣泛用於為需要重症監護的足月兒和早產嬰兒提供靜脈輸液,腸外營養和藥物治療。Tanke, R. B 等人在1994年發表的文獻中顯示,193例插入中央靜脈導管的早產兒中,中央靜脈或心內血栓發生率為13%2

許多靜脈血栓形成病例是無症狀,大部分與中央靜脈導管相關。可能是導管的通暢性喪失,其他症狀可能包括四肢腫脹或顏色變化。新生兒靜脈血栓栓塞疾病的長期結果,臍靜脈導管相關的門靜脈血栓可能導致門靜脈高壓 (portal hypertension)3,腎靜脈血栓形成的長期後遺症包括全身性高血壓 (systemic hypertension)、腎功能不全 (renal insufficiency) 或腎小管功能障礙 (renal tubular dysfunction)4

根據 UpToDate 臨床資料庫建議,通過中央靜脈導管輸注的液體應含有濃度為0.5 IU/mL 的 Heparin,以防止血栓形成和導管堵塞5


根據2008年,Shah PS, Shah VS 在 Cochrance Library 發表的回顧性研究結果6,依照新生兒中央靜脈導管是否需添加 Heparin 預防血栓 (thrombosis) 或是導管栓塞 (catheter occlusion),收錄了三篇相關文獻,但認為研究設計不盡相同,在風險與效益評估上未能有定論。

2010年,Pita Birch, Simon Ogden 等人在 BMJ 期刊中發表一項隨機對照雙盲試驗,收納210名新生兒,分成 TPN 給予 Heparin 組 (0.5 IU/mL) 和沒有給予 Heparin 組,發現有加入 Heparin 的新生兒,可減少發生敗血症 (catheter-related sepsis, CRS) 的比例7

Sara-Jane N Onyeama, Sheila J Hanson 等人於2016年在 Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 期刊發表8,收納2012年四篇文獻,包含世界七個國家,共有59個小兒科重症病房 (PICUs),探討在中央靜脈導管 (central venous catheter, CVC) 添加低劑量 Heparin (low dose heparin infusion, LDHI) 是否能維持其通暢性,認為雖然缺乏支持其有效性的實質性數據,但 LDHI 仍然是維持重症兒童 CVC 通暢的常用方法,LDHI 的使用具有全球普遍性,在此隨機對照試驗的結果顯示,使用 LDHI 能夠比其他 CVC 通暢方法 (如使用生理食鹽水輸注) 更有效。

美國胸科醫師學會 (American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines) 中,新生兒和兒童的抗血栓治療指南 (Antithrombotic Therapy in Neonates and Children, 9th)9,建議新生兒與兒童使用中央靜脈導管 (central venous access devices, CVADs) 或臍靜脈 umbilical venous catheters (UVCs),加入低劑量 Heparin (low dose heparin infusion, LDHI) 或 unfractionated heparin (UFH),預防導管阻塞。澳洲新生兒腸外營養小組 (the Australasian Neonatal Parenteral Nutrition Consensus Group),在2012共識會議 (Standardised neonatal parenteral nutrition formulations – an Australasian group consensus 2012) 中10,認為雖然目前無有效證據顯示,加入 heparin 對於降低發生血栓 (thrombosis) 的危險或預防導管栓塞 (catheter occlusion) 雖無統計上顯著的差異,但若無不良反應,臨床上建議加入 Heparin (0.5-1 IU/mL)。


目前臨床上指南皆建議在新生兒全靜脈營養 (total parenteral nutrition, TPN) 添加低劑量的 Heparin (0.5 IU/mL),預防管路栓塞或靜脈血栓,減少發生敗血症的風險,雖未能有大型研究證實,但相較於血栓發生危險,在病人無不良反應的情況下,伴有營養照護團隊(包含醫師、藥師、營養師及護理人員等)密切監測,預防性添加低劑量的 Heparin 是必須且安全的。






Heparin in Total Parenteral Nutrition: Literature Review

Chin-Lien Ho, Mei-Jr Huang
Department of Pharmacy, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital


The nutritional needs of premature infants are usually dependent upon parenteral nutrition (PN) during early postnatal life, especially for very low birth weight (VLBW) infants (birth weight of less than 1500 g). Because adequate enteral nutrition cannot be established in most very low birth weight (VLBW) infants in their early weeks, PN is initiated to correct in-utero growth restriction and to prevent subsequent growth faltering. PN for the premature infant includes the adequate calories for energy expenditure and growth, carbohydrates and lipids to provide the caloric intake to meet the energy needs of the infant, adequate protein intake, including essential amino acids, and essential nutrients including minerals.

PN can be infused through peripheral or central veins. In most cases, PN will be infused through a central line. Central venous catheters-associated thrombosis and line infection is the most serious complication of PN.

The effect of heparin on preventing thrombosis and reducing the rates of infection is uncertain. The evidence supporting most recommendations for antithrombotic therapy in neonates and children remains weak. Studies addressing appropriate drug target ranges and monitoring requirements are urgently required in addition to site- and clinical situation-specific thrombosis management strategies. Further study is needed to evaluate the efficacy and persistence of Heparin use.


1.American Academy of Pediatrics, https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/Committees-Councils-Sections/Pages/Committee-On-Nutrition.aspx

2. Tanke, R. B., Van Megen, R., & Daniels, O. (1994). Thrombus detection on central venous catheters in the neonatal intensive care unit. Angiology, 45(6).

3. Kooiman, A. M., Kootstra, G., & Zwierstra, R. P. (1982). Portal hypertension in children due to thrombosis of the portal vein. The Netherlands journal of surgery, 34(3), 97-103.

4. Zigman, A., Yazbeck, S., Emil, S., & Nguyen, L. (2000). Renal vein thrombosis: a 10-year review. Journal of pediatric surgery, 35(11), 1540-1542.

5. Chan, A. K., Bhatt, M. D., Mahoney Jr, D. H., Garcia-Prats, J. A., & Armsby, C. Management of thrombosis in the newborn, UpToDate, 2017

6. Shah, P. S., & Shah, V. S. (2008). Continuous heparin infusion to prevent thrombosis and catheter occlusion in neonates with peripherally placed percutaneous central venous catheters. The Cochrane Library.

7. Birch, P., Ogden, S., & Hewson, M. (2010). A randomised, controlled trial of heparin in total parenteral nutrition to prevent sepsis associated with neonatal long lines: the Heparin in Long Line Total Parenteral Nutrition (HILLTOP) trial. Archives of Disease in Childhood-Fetal and Neonatal Edition, fetalneonatal167403.

8. Onyeama, S. J. N., Hanson, S. J., Dasgupta, M., Hoffmann, R. G., Faustino, E. V. S., & PROTRACT Study Investigators. (2016). Factors Associated with Continuous Low Dose Heparin Infusion for Central Venous Catheter Patency in Critically Ill Children Worldwide. Pediatric critical care medicine: a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies, 17(8), e352.

9. Kearon, C., Akl, E. A., Comerota, A. J., Prandoni, P., Bounameaux, H., Goldhaber, S. Z., ... & Crowther, M. (2012). Antithrombotic therapy for VTE disease: antithrombotic therapy and prevention of thrombosis: American College of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Chest Journal, 141(2_suppl), e419S-e494S.

10. Bolisetty, S., Osborn, D., Sinn, J., & Lui, K. (2014). Standardised neonatal parenteral nutrition formulations–an Australasian group consensus 2012. BMC pediatrics, 14(1), 48.



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